Your Thoughts Hold More Power than You Think

Tatiana Schloessman
7 min readDec 15, 2023


Can our thoughts truly be blamed for our bodies being out of shape? (Un)surprisingly, YES!

Are you the type of person who requires some logic and common sense behind every action you do? If you are like I was ten years ago, you probably have a hard time believing that our thoughts have anything to do with the people we surround ourselves with, the bodies we live in, and the events that accrue in our daily lives. Ten years ago, I thought the claim about thoughts having any power was unsophisticated, primitive, and so naive. However, today, I dare to say that the opposite is true: those who don’t believe that their thoughts plant the seeds of their “tomorrows” are willingly diminishing their own superpower.

In my article From Atheism to Spirituality: My Personal Journey, I share my personal story of my belief and faith transformation. Although the journey may seem pretty straightforward, the opposite is true. Whenever I took one step forward, I took two steps back because of my scientific background and education. My master’s degree was the biggest obstacle to believing in and understanding God’s sense. When trying to combine all the knowledge about science (especially human anatomy and physiology) with the new knowledge about God, I felt like I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. At the beginning of my spiritual journey, science and God couldn’t have been any farther away from each other in terms of common sense.

As I slowly grew and matured spiritually, I began to face the most significant and most crucial challenge I’d have to conquer if I wanted to mold my body into a desirable shape. Finally, now that I have overcome this challenge, I believe that the shape of your body today is the result of yesterday’s thoughts about your body. I know, I know, it sounds so cliche and naive. But let me explain using some physics, quantum mechanics, and very genuine common sense that will help you to see this claim from a different angle. After all, that’s what I did: I dug deeper into physics and quantum mechanics, which led me to “understand” and ultimately embrace God’s sense. By the way, did you know that such prominent scientists as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were religious people? They saw the laws (which we learn in science class at school) as manifestations of God’s perfection — but we don’t learn that part in school. Hmmm….

Silhouette of a man against the starry night sky
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” ~ Isaac Newton

If you want to learn and read about this topic, I recommend the book The Dancing Wu Li Masters, by Gary Zukav. Gary uses the space of his entire book to showcase all the experiments and research of the most famous scientists over a few centuries to prove his point that “Consciousness lies at the heart of all that we can experience, all that we can conceive, and all that we are. It also points towards the possibility that intentions create the reality that we experience.” That reality is also our bodies, too!

If you are like me, your biggest challenge is the huge gap between the thought and the matter/reality. I needed an explanation with a pretty strong logic behind the magic that turns the invisible cloth into something visible. I wasn’t willing to believe something based on faith, since mine was the size of a tiny chia seed at the time. Using my scientific background, I was able to build the bridge between thoughts and matter, but the bridge was too short. I couldn’t make it all the way to the other side until, finally, I connected all the dots (physics, quantum mechanics, Law of Attraction…and THE WORD).

In school, we learn about Newton’s laws of physics. But those laws apply only to the large-scale world, and therefore, we tend to get stuck when we think about things which are invisible to our senses, things of the subatomic realm. We know that atoms comprise smaller sub-particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. When we enter this smaller world, Newtonian physics does not apply; we need to switch to quantum mechanics.

Women on their yoga mats in a fitness class
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

And here is my super, super-simplified explanation of the events that helped me to expand the bridge connecting the thoughts to the matter. If we keep breaking down sub-particles, we eventually get to the end (or beginning) of the smallest particle, which is so small that scientists don’t even consider it to be a particle, but a basic Energy. Here is the first important Fact coming from the physical world (not the spiritual world): This Energy has the potential to be anything and everything. Quantum mechanics does not and cannot predict specific events, but it can predict probabilities. Probabilities are the odds that something is going to happen (or not going to happen). So, the chance to lose or not to lose weight is 50:50.

So, is there a “thing” that can influence and increase the chances of losing weight and getting in shape? And if that “thing” exists, what is it? Here is the second Fact from the physical world, proven by scientists. (I am using Gary Zukav’s quote from the book I mentioned earlier to deepen your belief.) “According to quantum mechanics, it isn’t there until we do observe it! The it depends upon what the observer decides to observe (which way he orients his magnetic field).” What does all of this mean? Pure Energy is ready to become whatever you want or think it to be. If you keep thinking you will never lose weight because your parents gave you “bad DNA” or because you have been trying for so long and nothing has happened, then you have shifted your chances to a 100% chance of not losing weight and a 0% chance of getting into shape.

The third important Fact of our physical world is the Law of Attraction: similar things are attracted to one another. If the Energy of “my body is in great shape” keeps accumulating because I am spending plenty of time thinking about it (or, at the very least, I am avoiding the constant inner chat of “I am fat, I am out of shape, I am tired and lazy!”), that Energy will create small particles that will attract each other due to the Law of Attraction. Those thought particles will turn into something bigger: feelings.

Finally, the well-known quote from the Bible is a final point that bridges the gap from matter all the way to thoughts: all of creation started with HIS thoughts and then the Word.

John 1:1

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Interestingly enough, as I was reading Gary Zukav’s book, which is all about facts from the physical world, I started to read the book Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch. I am still amazed by the perfection that guided me to read the two books simultaneously, because their titles have nothing to do with the power of thought creation that I was actually searching for. Yet, it was the final part of the bridge that I was trying to build between the matter and the thoughts. As I read one page in the middle of the book, I couldn’t stop smiling (and crying at the same time), because I realized I had brought this excerpt to myself by thinking, “Can my thoughts create?”

Woman sits and ponders on a rock on the beach
Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

Here is the excerpt from that page:

“The human race has no chance to lift itself from its own lower thoughts until YOU lift YOURSELF to YOUR own highest ideas. Your world will follow your idea about yourself. Ever it has been, ever it will be.

First comes your thought about yourself, then follows the outer world of physical manifestation.

What you think, you create.

What you create, you become.

What you become, you express.

What you express, you experience.

What you experience, you are.

What you are, you think.

The circle is complete.”

And here is an extra benefit when you think only nice and kind thoughts about your body. When you think positively about your body, it will act like it is a strong and fit body. (I have written an article, What You Seek is Seeking You, about how our thoughts influence our food choices and shape our bodies.) You will feel like eating healthier food instead of punishing yourself with junk food; you will feel like going for a walk instead of feeling defeated and staying loyal to your sofa. However, if you are still skeptical, try your own experiment with two (maybe three) weeks of only positive thinking about your body and see which kinds of food your body craves, which kinds of activities your body desires to do, and who shows up every day.

Whoever you think you are, you are right!

Don’t let your superpower diminish. Change those default thoughts that have been sabotaging your shape all this time.

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Tatiana Schloessman
Tatiana Schloessman

Written by Tatiana Schloessman

Comprehensive Body & Wellness Coach. CEO of my life. Let your soul guide you to a hale & hearty YOU.

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