What You Seek is Seeking You

Tatiana Schloessman
5 min readJul 21, 2023


Most women come to me with deep feelings of frustration about the lack of results from all the hard work they’ve put in, trying to transform their bodies. Even after so many restrictive diets, vigorous workout programs, and even running Marathons…nothing has changed. But these frustrated women have gotten it completely backward from the start. They have been trying to build their bodies without any “blueprints.” Picture it this way: you are trying to build a house without an architectural plan, hoping that when the house is done, the result will be a magnificent piece of architecture.

Woman measuring her hips with a tape measure
Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash

I believe this is the most significant reason why most people are unable to stick to healthy eating and regular exercise routines for the duration of their lives.

We decide to get in shape without a plan. But I am not talking about a visual plan or a plan for daily food intake; I am talking about the “feeling” and “deeply knowing” plan. See, it is hard to follow a visual plan while we’re stuck inside ourselves; we still feel like crap. Which plan do you think is more powerful when it comes to making decisions about what to eat and when to exercise? Is it the picture of the bikini model with a perfect body, or is it the plan for which you already feel like you have the body you desire? The pictures fade away with the first ‘storm.’ However, when you already feel like you have the body you desire, I promise you that choosing the right foods and getting up in the morning to work out will come naturally.

You must feel as if you already have your desired body, and this is why. Just close your eyes. Visualize yourself feeling happy and satisfied with your body for serving you so well. Now, which kinds of foods will you choose in that moment? Will you want to ruin that feel-good moment with junk food, or will you want to continue (and even expand and deepen that great feeling!) by having a delicious and healthy lunch, going for a walk, and getting your sweat on with a fun workout so you feel even more happy, satisfied, and proud of yourself the next day?

Woman cooking with a smile on her face
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

I can already hear your argument: “How am I supposed to feel good about my body when it is not even close to my desired shape?”

Here is the trick (and please keep reading, because I totally get your argument; I’ve been there too, and it also sounded like “kumbaya” to me, but…). You see, the horrible feeling about your body is the result of your thoughts. And therefore, whatever your thoughts are, the reality follows. Every minute of your life, your body is doing something. You do things based on what you think. Everything you cause your body to do is the result of your body fulfilling your thoughts. Therefore, thoughts make all the difference when it comes to getting in shape or transforming your physique.

So, how do your thoughts create your body?

Thoughts are the blueprints to your Being-ness. Your thoughts are the pre-food for your body. Whatever you feed your mind and body, it will become, and that is how you create Your Self. Thus, with your thoughts, you direct and decide who you are and who you are going to be.

It is very hard to get into shape without changing your default thoughts about your body, your image, your self-esteem, and most of all, your love-hate relationship with your body.

Sticky note that says “What you seek is seeking you”
Photo by Maja Il on Unsplash

Getting back to those women who tried everything to lose weight…they were not able to stick to their plans. Their failures did not happen due to lack of motivation, lack of discipline, or laziness. They failed because they never changed their default thoughts. They started the process of losing weight while still judging their bodies, which is like driving a car without turning on the engine. The car might fly downhill, but when the first obstacle comes around the bend, the car crashes or stops. See, those positive thoughts and beliefs are your engine, providing the power to get you over those hills and through the obstacles.

Your default thoughts are orders to your body; your mind tells your body to perform a function as if your body has already achieved it, as if it is DONE! Can you imagine the stress relief when you know you already have the body you’ve wanted? Can you imagine working out, eating healthy, and taking care of your body without the constant pressure of “getting there” or “building the house” instead of already being there and having the beautiful house? The decision to choose healthier food and exercise would not come from the diet program, but from YOU! It would come from your True Self, out of loving and respecting your body.

When your body transformation comes from already BEING IT, which means announcing it rather than seeking to create it, you will be able to stick to your healthy food choices and exercise routines for the rest of your life. Create your own shape of sandbox toy and fill it in, rather than using the outside world’s prefabricated sandbox toy. Stay loyal to the blueprint of WHO you truly are.

When you are loyal to yourself, you create new default thoughts of joy, contentment, and a sense of worthiness.

And that’s the best way, the only right way, to start your body’s transformation.

PS: You will never have to worry about depletion: this motivation will stay with you forever!

For more tips or coaching please contact me at: heavenlybodyafter40@gmail.com



Tatiana Schloessman
Tatiana Schloessman

Written by Tatiana Schloessman

Comprehensive Body & Wellness Coach. CEO of my life. Let your soul guide you to a hale & hearty YOU.

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