The Secret Non-Calorie Value Behind Food

Tatiana Schloessman
7 min readJan 13, 2023


There is a secret non-caloric value within your food that has a much greater impact on your body weight and health.

Fresh ingredients in a bowl. Almonds, chia seeds, peppers, and cacao nibs.
Photo by Dor Farber on Unsplash

I do my best to keep my body healthy, so I very rarely get sick. However, I couldn’t avoid Covid; my children got sick at school, so all three of us were sick simultaneously. We didn’t have any serious symptoms or fevers, but we simply had no energy. I would never have believed that a person could have so little energy. I literally felt like someone had zapped all of my Life Energy out of me. And, like many others have experienced, my food taste changed, too. For a period of time, I had no desire to drink my favorite morning protein shakes or eat my ‘Think Thin’ protein bars — which was very strange for me because I wouldn’t normally go without these two staples for more than two days.

Even more strange was that I craved my grandma’s homemade food: real, authentic homemade bread with real butter, real tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and real cheese. I even had a dream that took me back to my childhood, when I spent every summer at my grandma’s house. The dream was about my typical morning at her house: I would wake up and, still in my pajamas, I’d put on my grandma’s old muddy boots and walk into the garden with a big slice of her freshly baked bread and butter in my hand. (My grandma almost always baked her delicious bread before she went out to take care of the farm.) In the garden, I would pick tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers — whatever I felt like eating that morning. Sometimes, I would have cherries or plums with my bread, and while I was eating, I enjoyed the loud ‘orchestra’ of all the animals on my grandma’s farm: cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, geese, and dogs — and yes, the fertilizer aroma came with it, too. Oh, how I miss it.

I puzzled over my dream: why had I dreamt it, and why was I craving all of the food from this dream?

Woman laying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, holding a glowing orb. She is surrounded by glowing lights.
Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash

Not until a few months later did I connect the dots. I was listening to a podcast about the Power/Energy of healthy, processed, and unhealthy foods. The speaker wasn’t talking about the caloric effect, but about the Energy/Vibrational effect of the food. He was saying how unhealthy food (like fast food and sugar) have Negative Energy that, after a long period of time, accumulates in our bodies and can basically change the Healthy Blueprint of our DNA. Then he explained that healthy food, like real bread, vegetables, fruit, milk, and nuts, are LIFE FORCE foods…and then it clicked. When I was sick with Covid, at one point I was sitting on the sofa without energy and without feeling any interest in life (LIFE-less) — my body was lacking LIFE FORCE! The reason I had been dreaming about my grandma’s garden and craving that real food was actually guidance from my Higher Self to get the LIFE FORCE back into my body. (In Heavenly Body Formula, I teach clients to listen and “translate” the body’s language.)

However, what surprised me even more was that the speaker explained that all the processed foods our society is obsessed with, all the gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free, grain-free, dairy-free, no-carb, meatless — everything that sounds like it’s so healthy — is actually food with low LIFE FORCE.

So, when I thought about it, it made so much sense because the more we come up with all kinds of weight-loss diets and supposedly healthy, low-calorie foods, the more weight we gain. Over the last decade we have been offered a greater selection of ‘un-real’ foods, yet we are getting fatter as a society. We seriously think that meat in a tube or cauliflower chips will substitute as nutrients for our bodies and fool our brains!

Smiling emoticon.

Then, there are Italians, who are known for eating only real, authentic food — if you offer an Italian a kale crust pizza with dairy-free cheese, he will laugh at you. In the article Obesity Rates by Country 2022, the USA is in 12th place with 36.20% of obese adults (1st place being the most obese). Yet, Italy is in 102nd place, with only 19.90% of obese adults! Ironically, the article also says: “There is no direct correlation between the obesity rate of a country and its economic status; however, wealthier countries tend to have more resources to implement programs, campaigns, and initiatives to raise awareness and educate people about what they are consuming.” And this is what I said to myself when I read it: “How are all those programs and diets working out for the USA?”

A while ago, I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal by Matthew Rees entitled “Why You Can’t Eat Just One.” The article is a review of the new book, The End of Craving, by Mark Schatzker. The book is about how we try to fool our bodies by giving them fake foods. We consume foods that are designed to fool the brain into believing the body has received proper nutrition, when it hasn’t. Then, we consume more and more of that non-nutritional food. What the tongue senses and what the stomach receives are two different things; we can fool ourselves, but we can’t fool our bodies.

Plates of chicken nuggets and fries
Photo by Tyson on Unsplash

The article says:

Mr. Schatzker notes, ‘fake fat’ is like the infamous Olestra, which confuses the body by smelling and tasting like fat but delivering few, if any, calories. Americans consume more of these fats — Mr. Schatzker labels them “brain-fooling products” — than people in any other country.


Consuming foods and beverages that have been designed to fool the brain into believing that it has received nutrition when it hasn’t, says Mr. Schatzker, stimulates a desire to consume more of them.


For inspiration, he travels to Italy to determine why people there have a healthier relation to food — and a lower obesity rate (under 8% in the north). There’s no simple explanation, but he approvingly quotes a chef in Bologna who says: “It comes down to the difference between feeding and eating…Italians don’t want just to feed themselves; they want to eat. They want an experience.” Mr. Schatzker doesn’t elaborate, but he clearly wishes that Americans could be more like Italians and appreciate food that is cooked — and consumed — in something close to its natural state.

Although I am back to my protein shakes and protein bars, I have been staying away from “healthy but fake” foods, and I can feel the difference. I feel the LIFE FORCE!

Winking emoticon

Also, since experiencing Covid and my vivid dreams, twice a week for lunch I have been enjoying my grandma’s traditional food: real bread from the Italian Deli with real cream cheese, salmon, and a big plate of cut-up veggies like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and kohlrabi (with a little salt and pepper — PERFECTO!). I have found that these delightful foods have absolutely kept the LIFE FORCE within my body.


I am not saying that you should completely stay away from the food choices that work for you and eat only bread and veggies. My point (and my constant prayer for all of us) is that we all go back to REAL life: BEING REAL, eating real food, giving real hugs, sharing real jokes, spreading real laughter, filling our bodies with the highest capacity of the LIFE FORCE! Otherwise, we will all become Obese from the LIFE-less Force (it is already happening very fast).

Although it is my sincere wish to invite you to my grandma’s farm to experience my childhood feast, unfortunately I cannot, because my grandma passed away 40 years ago. However, to give you a picture of her real, authentic food and lifestyle, I highly recommend watching one of my favorite shows, Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy. What truly draws me in are the REAL things that speak to my inner Real Spirit — even to the point that I get teary eyes watching the episodes: the real food, the real smells (honestly, I can smell the food through the TV), the simple and authentic lifestyles, and especially the real, authentic people who are so passionate about THEIR OWN real lives.

And here is the reason why I wrote this long post: it is to combat the endless search for a miracle — the miracle diet, miracle cream, or miracle pill that we hope and believe will change our lives and our bodies. However, with these ‘miracles,’ we will be constantly dissatisfied with our lives; artificiality will never satisfy our souls. Our souls want REAL THINGS. They want you to be REAL, the way you were designed by our Creator. We will keep chasing our “happiness,” but we might never find it until we eat the real food, become a real person, enjoy life’s real moments, and live OUR OWN real, abundant lives.

Basket of freshly picked ingredients (tomatoes, basil, and other herbs)
Photo by Quin Engle on Unsplash


If you want your body to be abundantly full of LIFE FORCE, check out the Heavenly Body Formula by emailing me at:



Tatiana Schloessman
Tatiana Schloessman

Written by Tatiana Schloessman

Comprehensive Body & Wellness Coach. CEO of my life. Let your soul guide you to a hale & hearty YOU.

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