The Hardest Pill to Swallow

Tatiana Schloessman
6 min readNov 24, 2023


Since another popular diet pill has been proven to be hurtful, can the Higher Power be the answer to losing weight? (What else have we got?)

Pink and blue pill framed by a bluebackground
Photo by danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

Have you noticed the common human phenomenon that we seem to be constantly attracted to the louder, shinier, trendier message instead of the true message? Let me explain. We think that if the coach or instructor is loud, her classes are better than those belonging to the one who doesn’t yell so much. We are more drawn to that instructor who needs to fill every single moment of silence between instructions. We think the louder coach knows more “secret exercises.” Just because a certain celebrity claims they have lost weight by following some particular diet or workout program, we think right away that it’s the ONE. Yet, if you were to wait a few years and check on those same celebrities, sadly, you will realize that they, too, just like many, many others, ended up following the “shinier object” instead of the truth. (Just check out the latest findings on the popular “magic” weight loss drug Ozempic, which might be linked to stomach paralysis and other serious gastrointestinal conditions in a large-scale study that’s being conducted.) So, what is the Truth when it comes to losing weight and keeping our bodies in shape? The truth is that there are no shortcuts, and you can’t cheat nature to keep your body strong and healthy. Period.

Here is the first point I want to make before I move on to the main reason why I am writing this article. All diets and pills that promise weight loss and sculpting bodies will fail sooner or later. (Can you name one single diet plan you could sustain for the rest of your life while remaining happy and enjoying your life? Have you met a happy person who is in the midst of her diet program?) If you want to get your body in shape and keep it that way, you can’t rely on diets. I promise you, my clients (before they came to me!) and I have done it all: we’ve taken all the shortcuts. I kept searching and trying for that “thing” that would help me stick with my healthy eating and working out — without breaking the cycle. But over and over again, I returned to the starting line and never reached the finish line.

Photo by Big Dodzy on Unsplash

So, what is it that has allowed me to stick to my healthy eating and working out without being obsessed, and yet never skipping my workout for the last twenty years? Faith. It is Faith and Fitness that will make every person want to do the best she can to create the healthiest and most beautiful house/church for her soul. That church is your body. When you strive every moment of every day for that peace and joy in your soul’s house, I promise you won’t crave that junk food. So, what do I mean by Faith? It can truly be anything: God, Higher Power, Higher Self, Infinite Energy — it really doesn’t matter what you call it because it is THE ONE. The most important thing is that you believe there is something or someone else who keeps pumping your heart 24/7, every single day, for your whole life. (Can you name one single machine or high-tech gadget that could work for that long without charging?)

And that ‘someone’ else will guide you and help you to create the body you will finally be happy living in. And this is the main reason why I am writing this article. How does using Faith in Fitness work if you want to lose weight or create a healthy lifestyle and stick to it for the rest of your life?

Once you believe in God/Higher Power and you create the connection with HIM, you will be able to follow HIS GPS. Here is the good news: every single person has this GPS. But there is also some bad news (which can become good news, once you connect): following this GPS is a free choice. You are never forced to follow HIS GPS. So, what does this GPS look like in daily life? We all know (because it is imprinted in our DNA) the difference between healthy food and junk food/unhealthy food. We know which drinks are healthy and refreshing (water) and which are damaging to our bodies (sugary drinks, alcohol). Also, we know very well which activities are strengthening for our bones and muscles and which cause our bodies to atrophy and become ill (couch potato habits). Once you follow HIS GPS, there is an 100% guarantee that your final destination will be your coming HOME.

Woman with her hands held out in prayer
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Let me tell you how it feels when you come HOME. It feels so awesome: you wake up in the morning rested and energized, you are excited for the day, you can’t wait for your run or walk, and you look forward to your workout. You feel good and proud of your body when putting on clothes, and you smile every time you see your reflection in a window. You might think this is such an unrealistic dream. Well, have you ever tried it? Try to go for one week, then extend it to two weeks. Really pay attention to your GPS. When your body tells you “I am full,” then STOP. Instead of always taking the left turn that keeps putting you back to the starting point, take the right turn and have a healthy lunch and dinner. Also, you might want to slow down so as not to miss the signals when it is time for drinking water, taking a rest, going for a walk, feeling when your stomach is full, etc.

However, as I said, following this GPS is based on free will, and this is our biggest challenge. We get derailed when something else gets our attention, like mean comments from our coworkers, rude bosses, or cheating spouses; there are so many things we deem to be “more important” and give more power to than our own coming HOME. Suddenly, the bag of chips, the pint of ice cream, or the whole bottle of wine becomes more powerful than our will to follow and stay loyal to our GPS.

So, is there any tool to help us stay focused on our path and remain loyal to our GPS? Yes, there is. It’s called HONESTY! There is a power in HONESTY!

Black and white photo of a woman with a dumbbell
Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash

Always follow the truth instead of taking the shortcuts. We all know that weight loss pills have always had some side effects that end up becoming bigger issues than those extra pounds. Just because a celebrity does it, doesn’t mean it is magic. Yes, one night of emotional eating won’t hurt you — but having 15 days of emotional eating in one month will show on your body. If you want something that will strengthen and improve your inclination to follow the GPS, then let your Honesty make the decisions.

And there is an extra bonus when you let your Honesty make the decisions instead of the celebrities: there is so much liberation in Honesty.

You want to be free; you want to be CEO of your mind, body, and soul (instead of the chips or ice cream). Follow your GPS, but first, you must start with Honesty.

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Tatiana Schloessman
Tatiana Schloessman

Written by Tatiana Schloessman

Comprehensive Body & Wellness Coach. CEO of my life. Let your soul guide you to a hale & hearty YOU.

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