How to win the fight: a bag of chips vs. your goal to lose weight

Tatiana Schloessman
5 min readJan 6, 2023


During our group discussion in Heavenly Body Coaching, if I had to come up with the single biggest challenge or struggle people go through along the journey of either trying to lose weight or getting their eating and exercising habits under control, the hardest part about taking care of their bodies is getting through the “tough days.” Because it always comes down to this: a bag of chips vs. your goal.

Potato chips in an open bag
Photo by Esperanza Doronila on Unsplash

And this is why many so many people fail in this most critical moment: your goal of losing weight is not strong enough to overpower the bag of chips. So how do you make the desire to lose 10 lbs bigger and stronger than a pint of ice cream?

This is the ONLY way you can make your goal (or any desire) bigger than the obstacle: exchange your goal for something much, much bigger. Let’s face it: would you sacrifice your pleasure and comfort to work an extra day for a single day’s salary? Yes and no — it depends on how much effort you would have to give to go to work. Right? However, if the reward for showing up was to be named CEO of the company, how much effort would you be willing to give? And would it feel like a big effort, knowing that the reward for this work and this sacrifice was to become CEO?

If you elevate the game, you elevate the reward; however, you also elevate the loss. Losing the opportunity to become CEO, especially the CEO of your own life, puts much more weight on the scale when compared to a bag of chips. So, going back to that moment of the tough day… instead of thinking, “Oh, well, it was a tough day; I deserve it,” think about waking up the next morning as a CEO. Feel the joy of being the CEO of your life (which means making your own choices and decisions). Feel the LIGHTness of your body because you made the CEO decision not to give in to those chips.

Woman working out with weighted ropes
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Please know, when I talk about becoming CEO of your body, mind, and soul, I am not talking just about being able to control your food cravings and overcoming a hatred for exercise. I am talking about much, much bigger benefits: turning your little, tiny spark into a huge fire (I would even dare to say a volcano with showering lava). The Light, Energy, Love, and Vibration radiating from a woman who loves her body and treats it with love and respect is undeniable and hard to resist. Where did that saying come from, “This girl is on fire!”? Someone somewhere must have recognized a woman with a passion for life, a desire to love and create, and contagious laughter… and never stopped talking about her!

Do you realize the “collateral damage” or “side effects” of being CEO of your body, mind, and soul? One main side effect is to lose those 10 lbs without even focusing or desperately trying!

Finding your passion is like finally finding your own path or, even better, finding your own “soul tracks.” Once you find them and stay within them, you are guaranteed to make it HOME. Well, you might say, “Easy for you to say, but how do I find the tracks — and when I do, how do I get into them?”

Here is the trick: it is a perfect balance of spiritual and physical work. To find the tracks, you must follow your hobbies, passions, and things that make you happy. So, I would say to follow your soul’s voice and she will lead you to your own soul tracks. However, getting into the tracks now requires physical work by taking care of your body: eating healthy, exercising, resting, meditating, reading inspirational books, etc. These activities and actions will start transforming your body’s energy and vibration. Just picture yourself waking up in the morning after having a great day prior because you resisted being controlled by a “tough day.” Instead, you went for a run or walk and had a great healthy dinner. What an invigorating CEO morning moment!

Letters spelling “Shift Happens”
Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

Yes, it will take some effort and physical work at the beginning to get into those “tracks,” but once you get into those tracks, your life transforms into a beautiful ride. You see, your SOUL TRACKS will take you through beautiful scenery and keep you away from most of the roadblocks. What a ride!

It is a new year, and every year many people (actually 50%) choose weight loss as their new year’s resolution. Do you know the top three resolutions every year? 1. Lose weight, 2. Eat differently, and 3. Start working out. Year after year, we choose the same goals, yet each year it seems we fail at them over and over again. Therefore, it is time to step up and level up our game. Instead of trying to lose weight, make your goal to become CEO of your own life: dream and create the life you want, build the body you want, and watch the changes unfold in your life!

It always comes to Soul vs. your emotions (tough days). Who are you going to follow? Who is actually calling the shots?

Who will take you HOME? And who will make you CEO of your body, mind, and soul?

Always and in ALL ways, Prioritize the House of Your Soul and you will lose those darn 10 lbs without even trying.

If you have questions or want to discuss how to lead a life of love & light, email me here:



Tatiana Schloessman

Comprehensive Body & Wellness Coach. CEO of my life. Let your soul guide you to a hale & hearty YOU.