Diets are Shortcuts
“Diets are shortcuts that turn into the longest path you have ever chosen.”
All my good friends know that I am very much into hard evidence. For everything I am told, I go back and check the facts — and then I check again before I agree to believe it. I feel like these days, people will say whatever it takes just to sell you their products, services, beliefs, “truths.” When I say “whatever it takes,” I mean, people are just fine telling lies or stretching the truth. What else would you call the claims made by some diets or weight loss programs that insist you can lose weight without exercising?
I will share the story of one person who is very dear to me. She wanted to lose weight to look good in her dress for a special occasion. So, she got on a special diet plan that provided meals (shakes, pancakes, protein bars, snacks) for one month, and which claimed that she didn’t have to exercise (actually, it was recommended for her not to exercise!) to lose weight. She lost weight and she looked great. The problem was that, just a week after the special night, she started to gain the weight back. After she gained all the weight back in less than one month (and of course, her muscles became even more flabby as a result of not working out based on the diet recommendations), she ordered the second round of the diet program. This time, the needle on her scale moved just halfway compared to the previous weight loss. Feeling disappointed, she ordered the third round of the diet program, and this time the needle on the scale didn’t move at all! So much for losing weight (and keeping it off) without exercising!
Honestly, I don’t know if I am more upset about the dishonesty of people and companies who misrepresent their products and services, or about our growing naivety to believe such ridiculous claims — just because they look easier and seem to require less work.
It is like using expensive creams for wrinkles, hoping they will perform miracles on your face without putting in any other work — like cutting down on alcohol, giving up smoking, reducing junk food intake, using SPF sunscreen, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and drinking enough water. We can use the most expensive creams, but without putting in the foundational work, the claims are just partial truths/lies.
I admit I have a huge resentment towards any diet plan, because I believe they are created simply to make money rather than to actually help our society become more healthy and fit. Behind every diet, there is someone getting rich. Just think about it.
From 2017–2020, the U.S. obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% (1999–2000) to 41.9%!
That means almost half the U.S. population is obese. The more diets we create, the more weight we gain as a society, and the Diet Industry is getting more and more profitable. Why are we choosing to follow these diets, even if they do more harm than help? The answer is simple: it’s because we like shortcuts.
I love shortcuts, but not all shortcuts truly work; some shortcuts actually work against us — like when you take shortcuts while making your favorite cake recipe (I think we have all done this, and ultimately learned our lesson with the most embarrassing cake!),
and when you want to make some shady get-rich-quick investments, and definitely when creating your Heavenly Body!
As CEO of my body, mind, and soul, I stay away from those shortcuts — or any other ridiculous claims.
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Don’t you think your Healthy and Happy body is a place worth going?
If you are done with the shortcuts and all the ridiculous diets, and you are ready to START TODAY to get your body in shape, email me: at